Would your hospital like to automate the collection of patient care device data for transmission to the EMR and eliminate manual data entry by nurses? This is exactly what medical device integration does. The careTrends® software platform is a healthcare middleware system solution that leverages existing wireless technologies (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) to enable the standardization and transfer of patient data. CareTrends® healthcare software solutions seamlessly and wirelessly integrate with existing patient monitoring devices and Electronic Medical Records and adapt to existing hospital workflow. Medical device integration solutions from careTrends® ensure a complete electronic medical record that interfaces with medical devices that capture vital signs, cardiopulmonary, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, temperature, glucose levels, pain levels, respiration rate, weight, and diagnostic image data.
Medical Device Interface Problems Solved
Many devices—such as vital sign monitors, infusion pumps—use vendor-specific protocols, and are not designed to share information; they are proprietary. A clinician may be able to access bedside medical device data, but specialists or nurses elsewhere may have no way of seeing it, unless it is manually recorded in the patient record. Despite efforts to develop standards for these devices, there is no standard format for Point-of-Care device information exchange. We resolve that dilemma with healthcare software solutions with automated patient data capture (like to this area on Meaningful Use) that allows your integration with all medical devices.
Software solutions from careTrends® ensure complete Electronic Medical Record integration with medical devices such as those that capture vital signs, cardiopulmonary, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, temperature, glucose levels, pain levels, respiration rate, weight, and diagnostic image data.
Click one of the following to see a diagram that illustrates how careTrends® collects, processes, and distributes medical data: